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Our Charities

Charity Work

As a church family we continue to support four charities. These are:

St Luke's Hospice (Winsford)

St Luke’s is the hospice for mid & south Cheshire; it exists to offer care & support local people affected by life-threatening illness. It provides residential care as well as caring for day patients. It also actively provides support for the patient’s families.


Crisis is a UK national charity for homeless people. The charity offers housing, education, employment and well-being services. It has centres in East London, Newcastle, Oxford, Edinburgh, Yorkshire, Croydon, Brent, and Merseyside. These centres are called Crisis Skylight Centres. Crisis asks for your support and says “Together we will end homelessness.”

Aru & Boga Dioceses (Congo)

Aru & Boga are two Anglican Church dioceses in the north east of Congo. We are linked with them through Chester Diocese. We offer them specific support through a scheme to educate pastor’s children in rural areas, and by providing support for a medical programme run across the two dioceses.

Christian Service Unit (Andhra Pradesh – India)

The Christian Service Unit works to support local people in and around Khammam in Andhra Pradesh. Its work is varied including providing schooling, homes for the elderly, orphanages, medical treatment, village wells, as well as training and grants to enable people to start up their own businesses. All this is done to anyone in need in the name of Jesus.

We support these four charities across the year with a direct gift from church funds and various fundraising events and initiatives.  We also, on occasion, collect for Christian Aid, the Foodbank, and the Children's Society.